So today, something happened at canteen at my school. Ohh my ! Do I need to write here ? Okay okay, the story was began during the recess time. Like other students, I bought a Nasi Lemak at canteen. It was the second time I bought Nasi Lemak. So, I ate and found something in the food that was look like beetles. EEUUWW kan ? I just push my plate far apart from me and I started to cry and cover my face with tudung sekolah. My friends were staring at me and scream "Ehh kau kenapa tiba-tiba ?" Something like that lah. Then, Nur'in Balqish or known as Bal, my assistant monitor, took the plate and showed to the teacher. Guess what the response from teacher ? Bal said "Cikgu suruh minta balik duit.". That's all the teacher can say. THERE'S NO ACTION IS TAKEN. What kind of school is this ? At least, the teacher warning the canteen's owner. Only the RESPONSIBLE teacher will do that for their students goodness. Sudah terang lagi bersuluh. Jelaslah bahawa sekolah menerima rasuah. So, for the conclusion is, maybe mama will report this matter to the PPD if schools still don't take any action to the canteen's owner.
I love today training :D Yeah, of course it was damn exhausted. Sensei trained us to build a good stamina. I've to ran for 5 times around the school hall cause my junior was made a mistake during training ==' I remember the words from Sensei "If you can archive a black belt, you can trough all the problems smoothly". Thanks Sensei for the motivation for us. Hai, arigatou ! Next stop, this coming holiday, Sensei will organize a Seminar for us. I love it :D After training, we're lepak-ing with Midi and Najib for sure. Haha.
Midi :D He's my BIG BRO !
Najib :D Love to gossip with him. Haha
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