So, today what I've done ? Chatting with Alif Khuzaify my ex-head prefect at SKMKJ. Haha nice to chat with you. COOL gila kot mamat ni. I adore his 'ayat gramatis'. Pehh, if he writes and an essay in Malay Language, A+ lah for sure punye. Talk to him was like practice my 'ayat gramatis' to be use in my essay later. So, I don't need books to hafal all the 'ayat puitis'. Haha. Wanna see his picture ? Down here babeh :
Sweet kan ? Haha.
My homework still static. I don't touch even one of them. Haha. Makin besar makin pemalas. Maybe after I take a shower then, I'll going to do it. Ohh, kantoi ! Matahari jauh nun sana sudah semakin terik pun tak mandi lagi. Haha. Biasalah remaja yang sedang miniti ke alam dewasa sering kali berperangai yang di luar dugaan. Haha.
I'm so excited to go to Mecca this coming March. And I'm pretty jealous who are wearing hijjab or pashmina or shawl. Haha. That's mean, I want to wear it. Maybe I'll be another person. It's not my attitude that I mean. My physical will look like 'senonoh' sikit lah. I mean I'll be more 'sopan' if I'm wearing hijjab. Ya Allah, aku telah terima rahmatMu dan Engkau telah membuka hatiku yang kian lama tertutup. Syukur kepadaMu ya Allah. Biarlah rahmatMu ini sentiasa berada di sisi ku ya Allah. AMIN.
That's all I think. I wanna take a shower and start do my homework.
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