Friday, February 18, 2011


So today, my class had to surgery the FROG. My frog was totally obesity. Besar gila. Haha. Thanks to Sharina's father 'cause help us to buy the frog. I want to upload the video, but I don't know the problem why the video can't be uploaded. Anyway, if you take biology subject, you'll do this. No ! No ! Must do this. Haha. Sumpah BEST GILA ! 

This is my group members. As usual, my best friends, Nina and Tieqa. 
Haha very slumber tak pakai tudung in Bio Lab.

That's our Mr. Froggy.

My hair was untidy. No need to extra large. Haha. Two girls are busying surgery the frog. 
Ada tokoh macam Dr. Pakar tak ? Haha. Tieqa was freaking 'geli' with the frog and she doesn't join us 'enjoy' the frog.  Haha.

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